Posh Moms and Tots

Monday, September 27, 2010

Favorite iPod iTouch Apps for Children

This weekend was a busy one for us. We took a last minute road trip on 
Friday and yet again the iTouch came to the rescue! 
My daughter stays busy almost the entire time in the car whether she is playing educational Apps, watching her favorite cartoon episodes, or a movie that I rented from iTunes.  

 My favorite are the educational Apps because you can keep your child occupied 
and learning for hours!

This morning I have been on the search for some new ones to keep things interesting! 

While reading some other blogs I found that  Treasures for Tots loves these for her daughter:

Miss Spider's Tea Party ($4.99) -  So much to do with this App. There 
is a wonderful story about Miss Spider looking for a bug to have tea 
with her (they are scared of her 'cause she's a spider after all!), an 
interactive story that's lots of fun, and games like memory 
match, puzzles and painting. Definitely a good buy!

Olivia (2.99) -  Lots of fun painting, and then the paintings become animated. All right!

Super Why (2.99) -  First you pick your Super Hero character, then you 
learn to spell (and write) in a interesting way. It teaches her to listen to 
a story and then find the correct answers.

Rosita's Jump Count (1.99) - This one is too funny. Learn to count in 
Spanish while playing jump rope.

K-Magic (FREE) - All of K-Magic's Apps are wonderful and FREE! 

iWash My Dogs Lite (FREE) - A silly little App. First you "wash" the dog, 
then you "rinse", "dry" and last you "brush" the dog until it's "all sparkly 
clean"! If you buy the App you'll get more dogs - but for toddlers and 
preschoolers I think the free App is just fine to keep them interested.

Kid's Maze (99¢) - A neat labyrinth game that helps them to count and 
teaches hand/eye coordination. It takes some concentration and 
it holds her attention.

BalloonMaker (99¢) - Cute, fun, and what kid can resist balloons? Touch 
the screen to blow up a balloon - touch the balloon to pop it. Turn the 
iTouch to watch the balloons "float" to the top too!

Bert's Bag ($2.99) - Use your finger to open the bag, shake the iTouch to 
make the bag dump the stuff inside, then touch the objects to count them. 
Kids have to learn to listen to directions, and it teaches them how to 
count. Another fun interactive educational game.

Fish School (99¢) - Tap the screen to get the fish to form different letters, 
then a woman's pleasant voice "sings" out each letter. Touch the letters
 in the left-hand corner and the narrator tells you what the letter stands 
for: J is for jellyfish. Cute game.

Make A Martian (FREE) - create your own Martian! Hundreds of 
options! Lots of FREE fun!

Count TV ($2.99) - Sesame Street's The Count goes through 9 different interactive 
Sesame Street videos (some from really old shows) and teaches 
your child to count up to nine. Very entertaining!

Alphabet Tracing (FREE) - Follow a tiny train with your finger to trace
 over each letter. Great little FREE program!

Glow Coloring (FREE) - So neat! Change neon colors, use stamps, use 
your own pictures, and more. You can pay 99¢ to remove the ads too.

Mega Jump (99¢) - Crazy, wacky game that you tilt side to side to move 
the little guy and collect coins so he can jump high. The more coins 
you collect the higher he jumps.

Nick Jr.'s A to Z ($1.99) -  Find hidden letters - big and small, plenty 
enough on this game to keep your preschooler playing for hours.

The Cat in the Hat ($2.99) - A classic book now available for the iTouch! Your 
child can have the book read to her and when she touches different 
things in the picture, words pop up and the narrator reads them to
 your child. A wonderful way to learn new sight words.

Team Umizoomi ($1.99) - Nick Jr.! Learn patterns and shapes. 
Lots to do and lots of fun!

What are you fav Apps for your little ones?

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